After making forays into a number of specialized segments such as home automation, security, communication systems, etc. Concept Integrated Solutions is all set to provide you assistance with yet another specialized service - Commercial Audio Systems! Whether you want to play some music in the background or make announcements at your restaurant, cafe, or any other place of business, a 70 Volt commercial audio system is the most economical solution available today.

If your place of business has a small square footage, then a standard stereo receiver might suffice. But once the distances are larger, and you need longer wires, then it is extremely impractical to have a standard stereo amplifier system. These systems provide low voltage, high current signals that require relatively thicker and more expensive wires to connect all the speakers. The more speakers you add, the more expensive it becomes.

What Constitutes a Commercial Audio System?
There are four essential components of a commercial audio system:

Audio Source: An audio source is any device that produces an audio signal. These devices can be anything from a TV set top box, music players, microphones, portable media players, and even smartphones.

Amplifier: For your audio source to play music on a multiple speaker setup, it needs an amplifier. The number of speakers that can be connected to an amplifier depends on its total wattage. Usually, a 10 to 20 percent power buffer is kept; so a single 500W amplifier can connect around thirty 15W speakers safely. Nowadays, some amplifiers even double up as mixers, so you can mute out the music when you have an announcement to make.

Volume Control: Depending on the size of your place of business and the needs of individual rooms, you can have a central volume control for all the speakers in the system or individual knobs for different areas.

Speakers: Commercial grade speakers are made from high-quality components, so the question that usually pops up is what will suit the room type and decor style. If you have dry walls or ceilings, you can install In-Wall or In-Ceiling speakers that seamlessly blend with the environment. These speakers work well in rooms with a ceiling height of 8 to 12 feet.

For surfaces that cannot accept in wall speakers such as stone or brick walls, you can opt for Surface Mount speakers. Often these speakers are weatherproof, making them ideal for outdoor areas. For rooms with high ceilings, a pendant speaker system is ideal. These speakers hang from the ceiling like chandeliers and project sound downwards so patrons seated in large rooms can hear a consistent sound.

As the voltage is high in a 70 Volt commercial audio system, the current running through the wires is low. Therefore, you can use thinner and relatively less expensive cables to connect all your speakers. The amplifiers in these systems do not have load impedance issues, so the power output remains consistent regardless of the number of speakers connected. Each speaker of the system features a transformer that reduces the voltage to a level that the speaker can handle. The transformer has multiple settings to receive different wattage levels. The higher the wattage, the louder the speaker will play and vice versa, giving you better control of varying the sound levels.

One of the most important things that are to be considered when setting up an audio system is the number of rooms that need to be connected. The more number of rooms, the more the number of speakers, and subsequently an amplifier with a higher wattage. Size and character of each room determine whether you want a system for soft background music or pulsating beats for an excited crowd during happy hours. You will also need to consider the ambient noise levels and what audio input sources you will be using to determine the ideal solution. Lastly, the sound quality of your system is heavily dependent on the transformer. Lower quality transformers will suffice for applications like soft music in a mall and announcements but a night club will require a high quality transformer to get patrons dancing and having a ball. Concept Integrated Solutions has everything covered for you - right from the equipment needed, to the installation, to the maintenance. After a thorough review of your place of business, our audio experts will recommend the right type of equipment for your needs.