A crucial element for creating a pleasant ambiance in any house is the lighting. Depending on the type of home decor, you can choose to go for traditional lighting fixtures or the more modern LED lights. As lighting solutions have advanced over the years, so have the means to control them. No more is it only about a set of switches that control a set of lights; modern lighting control systems incorporate the use of an intelligent network of inputs and outputs controlled by computing devices. We at Concept Integrated Solutions are here to help you with lighting solutions that are both beautiful and energy efficient.

Manual switches have now given way to smart controls that can be accessed wirelessly from your smartphone or tablet. To help you control the lighting of your home at any time and from anywhere, you can use smart apps as well. And in case you haven't got your mobile phone near you, you can just use the switch. A wireless lighting control system lets you lighten up multiple rooms or even the entire house with one tap. The benefit of a centralized lighting control system is that you can move all of the controls elsewhere away from plain sight. Replace banks of switches with stylish and elegant keypads, and customizable buttons. These customizable buttons enable you to take charge of several other things such as your home's entertainment system, air-conditioning, and security, along with lighting.

Apart from these customizable buttons, there are also motion sensors that send direct commands to the lighting system to switch on or off depending upon the presence or absence of a person in the room. A lighting system may also incorporate the use of photocells to sense the availability of daylight for maximum energy savings. You can also program the lighting system to sync with the chronological time (time of day), astronomical time (sunset or sunrise), or your schedule, so the lights are on by the time you reach home from work. If you are away on a vacation, a few commands from your smartphone can turn on the lights at your house to make it look like it is occupied, thus enhancing the security factor. Alternately, you can even set perimeter lights to flash if the alarm system is triggered for drawing attention to any unusual activity.

With so many wired and wireless control options to choose from, getting just the right equipment for your home can be confusing. Concept Integrated Solutions' team of expert engineers will study your home and requirements before providing you with the game plan for transforming your home's ambiance. Create just the right mood and save energy while you do it with the help of our smart and innovative systems.