Concept Integrated Solutions offers insightful building technologies that are designed to provide you with an insight on how well your building’s efficiency and power management really is. Our analysis can determine whether or not it needs improvement. We provide computer-based control systems, which when installed in buildings, inform you about vital statistics about its health and condition. Simply put, this system is more like a self-diagnostic tool, where it enables you to control and monitor the building’s mechanical and electrical equipment, which could include power systems, ventilation, fire systems, lighting, and security systems.

Building management systems (BMS) feature both software and hardware components. The software program is configured in a hierarchical manner. It can even be made proprietary using protocols like C-Bus or Profibus. Concept Integrated Solutions even has BMSs that confirm to Internet protocols and open standards such as BACnet, DeviceNet, LonWorks, SOAP, XML, and Modbus, thereby enhancing usability and the chance to scale the system up. BMS is extremely beneficial and crucial for every building. It ensures improved plant reliability and life, and also provides supreme control over the internal climatic conditions. In addition to this, the system also makes it easy to monitor effectively and target energy consumption. All in all, BMS inclusion helps save time and money on building maintenance.

As all data is consolidated onto a single system, it makes reporting, information management, and decision-making quick and efficient. Also, since one can integrate and manage HVAC, energy, security, digital video and life safety applications from a single workstation, it offers deep insight and control for better performance. BMS maintains energy efficiency by offering a real-time view into facility operations and deep trend analysis, thereby optimizing energy management strategies and reducing operational costs.

BMS provides flexibility to grow and expand as it powerfully combines open systems protocols with a scalable platform. As it facilitates strategic mobile or desktop control, integrated security solutions, and exceptional alarm management, BMS assists to speed up response time and mitigate risks for the property, business, and people. BMS is also the ideal medium for intelligent reporting. Building management systems offer comprehensive reporting and make customizable reports a possibility by delivering in-depth transparency into system history and promoting compliance.

For building owners, adoption of BMS promises higher rental value and flexibility on change of building use. It helps owners create individual tenant billing for services facilities in a time-saving manner. Additionally, BMS offers remote monitoring of the plants (such as AHU's, electrical supply, STP, WTP, fire pumps, plumbing pumps, gray water treatment plant, and more.) Concept Integrated solutions specializes in setting up efficient Building Monitoring Systems. Our team of engineer are well-versed with all the related technologies and will assist you in making this transition.